Behind the Blog – Meet Faye from Farfelue

On this Month’s Behind the Blog series, I have interviewed my dearest friend Faye. Faye and I met around 7 years ago whilst we were both living in Paris, and have been great friends ever since. Faye is one of the most kind, soulful, inspiring people I know, and this is definitely portrayed through her blog Farfelue and her instagram.


How would you describe your blog?

Farfelue is a platform where I am able to share my travel photography and favourite destinations. I write travel guides for every place I visit and try to make the articles as resourceful and inspiring as possible.

Where are you based/located?  

I’m currently based in London. I just moved here about 4 months ago.

What first sparked your love for travel?  

I moved to Paris when I was 18 and this was the catalyst for my obsession with travel. I would explore the city wide eyed getting lost down cobbled back streets, inside art galleries and in pastry shops. Moving to Paris on my own at such a young age made me fall in love with exploring and opened my eyes to the world of solo travel. Surely if I could move abroad on my own, I could travel the world on my own as well?


What got you into blogging?  

My move to Paris (again!) When I first moved to Paris, I wanted a way of capturing the beauty of the city and sharing it with the world, so that’s what inspired me to buy my first camera and start my blog.

What are some of your favourite countries to visit? 

Such a tricky question but if I had to narrow it down I would say The Maldives, Japan, New Zealand, Italy & French Polynesia. Closely followed by Croatia, the Philippines & Sri Lanka.


Are there any places you’d tell people to avoid?  

I would try not to tell anyone to avoid a place because we all perceive places differently and all have contrasting experiences so whilst you might not like a place, someone else could love it. My least favourite country I have visited is Vietnam, but that’s probably linked to my experiences in the country rather than the country itself.

What is your favourite memory that comes to mind when you think about your travels? 

There are so many! But one of my all-time favourite memories was the time I saw Pygmy elephants in the wild in Borneo. We were told it was highly unlikely we would see them as the herd had travelled too far away, but we took the risk nonetheless. We travelled for hours in an open top boat and the heavens opened drenching us and our possessions. Just when we were about to give up and turn around, the sun came out and we spotted the herd of elephants bathing in the water and rolling around in the mud. It was the most unexpected and magical thing I’ve ever seen and we were all overjoyed. We also saw orangutans and proboscis monkeys on that river safari.


What is your most liberating experience from your travels?  

I always try to hire a scooter when I travel as I find it the most liberating way to explore. There is no better feeling than the wind in your hair, sun on your skin and ultimate freedom to go wherever your heart desires.

Any advice for new and aspiring travellers?  

I would probably say the world is safer than it’s portrayed in the media and oftentimes you needn’t worry half as much as everyone tells you to. So many times I have been advised against visiting a certain country, yet haven’t encountered any issues when I’ve arrived in the country. Often unrest is in very concentrated areas rather than the country as whole, so it you just need to research before you go.

What is the longest amount of time you’ve been away from home?

I suppose the longest time I’ve been away from home is during my most recent trip as I was away for 20 months and didn’t go home once during that time.


What destinations are on your bucket list?  

Everywhere I have yet to visit (and everywhere I’ve already visited!) More specifically, the top places on my bucket list at the moment are Peru, Chile, Bhutan, The Seychelles, Madagascar and lately I’m finding myself being more and more drawn towards India (perhaps because I’m reading a fascinating book about Bombay).

Do you have any upcoming travel plans for 2019?  

I’m going to Oman in a couple of weeks with my boyfriend. We’re doing a road trip around the country travelling through the mountains, desert and along the coastline. Other than that I’ve got a few places on my list for 2019 including Israel, Tallinn, Lake Bled, Malta, Sicily and Liechtenstein.

Do you do research for your upcoming trips or do you wing it when you get there?  

Research always. I can spend weeks researching a trip, but for me that’s half the fun. I love finding the hidden secrets, rooftop restaurants and best brunch spots and that often takes a lot of time.


What are some items you can’t travel without?  

My camera would be my number one item I can’t travel without as it’s my source of inspiration whilst I travel. I see the world differently when I take my camera out as I’m constantly trying to share the beauty I see with my own eyes through my lens.

What camera gear do you use for your travels?  

I use the 5DMKII with the 50mm f/1.2 lens and the 35mm f/1.4.

What is your most favourite photograph that you have taken during your travels?  

My favourite photo I’ve taken would have to be sunrise over Bagan with dozens of hot balloons floating over the temple-studded landscape. But my favourite photo taken of me would be the one where I’m sitting amongst a sea of pink tulips in the Netherlands.


Which airline do you prefer to fly with?  

Air Tahiti for the epic views.

Before we go, Tell me your top travel quotes to inspire yourself or other travellers

The classic Mark Twain always inspires: “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”

You can find Faye at:


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Published by

Kate Allan

A twenty-something girl from New Zealand who is eternally exploring wherever she is

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